“Thank you for keeping Ricky’s memory alive, for us and for our clients”
-Danny, AHOPE
“ You don’t even know what this bag means to me. I lost my bag and all of my belongings last night and didn’t know what I was going to do. Sometimes it feels like no one is on your side and then stuff like this happens and it just means a lot to know that people care.”
-AHOPE Client
“Rich and Bernadette,
Thank you so much for everything that you have done for our clients. I cannot express to you how much of an impact your love, care and compassion has for our folks. A parent’s love for their child is something that is truly unmatched in this world and through your work I know that Ricky was loved beyond measure. Sharing the love you hold for your son with others struggling with substance use is an act of grace and has a special power to reach the hearts of clients and of the AHOPE team.
The generous backpack donations were thoughtfully put together and are truly designed with AHOPE clients in mind. As COVID continues to have a massive destabilizing impact on our community, and many programs are not able to offer their usual services, many of our people are unable to get clothing, masks, hand sanitizer and hygiene products. The backpacks go a long way towards offering dignity and respect during a time when living on the street is even more difficult. What an incredible way to honor Ricky’s memory.”
-Clare, AHOPE
“Wow, thank you so much! I knew Ricky and he was always the nicest guy. Even if he was having a bad day he would share whatever he had with someone who was having a worse day. This bag is going to be a huge help for me. Thank you man, seriously.”
-AHOPE Client
If I haven’t told you guys yet, the RickyInc website is BEAUTIFUL. I continue to be blown away by your support and dedication.
All the best,
Clare Schmidt, MPH
Program Coordinator
AHOPE Harm Reduction Services
Boston Public Health Commission