It’s been 18 months this month that we lost our beloved Ricky. It was a year this month that we made our first three backpack distributions to Andrews House detox, AHOPE and PAATHS. How we did it I don’t know, only six months after having the worst thing that could happen to us happen. It hasn’t gotten any easier and the silence of Ricky‘s voice is deafening. Nothing will ever look, or feel the same in our world.
What we do know is that we can in love and kindness give back to those in need as Ricky would want us to and do it graciously and bravely and continue to go forward honoring Ricky. As we pack the backpacks in the coming weeks for the above programs we will now include a Veteran’s substance use disorder residential program and methadone clinic out of the Veterans hospital.
We will include a program called “Youth on Fire” a program serving adolescents and young adults part of the LGBTQ community who are homeless and many of whom have substance use disorder.
We will provide backpacks to two women’s recovery homes, one in which they reside with their children. Each child will receive a gift along with their mother’s backpack.
We have started a pilot program with the Norwood Police Department providing 5 backpacks which would be distributed when an officer comes in contact with someone suffering from substance use disorder and or homelessness possibly entering treatment. If the Norwood Police find there is a need for this, we will increase the number of backpacks provided.
We would like to thank our board members Cathy, Lisa, and Danny, also good friend Eoin and cousin Terry for graciously offering to help us with packing of the backpacks. But, because of COVID-19 we don’t feel comfortable putting anyone at risk of getting sick. It may take a little bit longer but Richie and I, Ricky‘s parents, will do the assembling.
Ricky’s brothers Chris and Nick have recently distributed backpacks to the homeless in Portland Maine and we want to say we love them and know that Ricky is looking down on them very proudly.
We will produce further posts as we make our deliveries in Boston and Chris & Nick continue our “Street Outreach Program” in Portland Maine.
The first of many winter backpack deliveries is scheduled for Monday Nov. 30, 2020 at Youth On Fire and the Phoenix House for women and children.
Also scheduled for Friday Dec. 4, 2020 we will be delivering 28 men's backpacks to the Andrew House Detox Facility at the Shattuck Hospital in Boston.